Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin

Bücher in deutscher und englischer Sprache
(Books with German and English texts)

Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin

Meine Bücher habe ich bisher sowohl im Inland als auch mehrfach im Ausland gezeigt und ausgestellt. Deshalb habe ich einige meiner Texte in englischer Sprache verfasst.

Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin

A main focus of my works are handpainted books which embrace up to sixty paintings and as many corresponding handwritten textpages. I write some texts in English because I like to present my books in Germany as well as in various European countries and the USA.

I consider my books as a means of communication. In my opinion it seems appropriate to reflect on things and occurrences that happen around us. So I express my thoughts, ideas and feelings mainly in abstract paintings combined with prosaic and lyrical texts. Doing so  it is my intention to inspire people to discuss their impressions, feelings, emotions etc. from different points of view and ideally they will find a solution.

Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin


Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin
Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin

Buchunikate Sigrid Derlin

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